...it pours, doesn't it?
Funny how life will throw you all kinds of lemons when there are too few cooks in the kitchen to help turn it into lemonade. (Sorry I mixed up some sayings there, but you know what I mean.)
Thank you to everyone who provided the support and love during the tough time after I put Bobo down. I've made my peace with his passing and now I like to imagine him chowing down on steak and hamburgers every evening after having run after squirrels and rabbits through green fields all day long. :)
I found out shortly after that that Ruby had to have knee surgery on both knees because she tore what is the equivalent of her ACL (a tendon thing). Last Friday she had the surgery on one knee and the vet says she's doing very well. She's on bed rest for 4 months and then she'll have the other knee done. Other than that, she's been doing better than I thought she would without Bobo. Now she's spoiled rotten because she gets all my love. :)
Kevin came home from combat training this past weekend for a 4-day visit. It was wonderful to have him home. Ruby thought so, too. :) For Thanksgiving, we're meeting up in Atlanta and that will be the last time I see him before he leaves for Afghanistan.
Other than those things, life has been pretty good. School is going well and quickly. Soon it'll be Christmas and before I know it, it'll be July and Kevin will be home!
I'll try to update again before a whole month goes by. Hope all my fans (ha ha!!!) are doing well and life is a beach for everyone!