Sorry for my month-long absence, but I have very good reasons: I had my baby, a little girl named Eden. She was born on May 24 at 10:54am. She weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. She was born with lots of hair (supporting the heartburn=hair theory). In my humble Mommy's opinion, she is very beautiful. And yes, I did have her naturally without any drugs or an epidural. And yes, I am using cloth diapers quite successfully and I'm not tired of doing laundry (yet). Breastfeeding is going okay; I feel like a foodcart, but that's okay. And we moved to Montgomery and are still unpacking. And we've already had overnight visitors. And Kevin has gone back to work. Those are almost all my reasons I haven't blogged in a while. The biggest reason, though, is
I'm exhausted.
I have never known this level of tiredness. I hope never to know it again. And by the way, when does it end??
PS. I know pictures are requested. When I 1. find my camera cord to load the photos online and 2. get the energy to actually do that, that's when there will be photos on my blog. Don't hold your breath.