So Eden's walking now. Full up walking. She still falls over quite a bit, but she's pretty stable. This means she has learned how to reach up for stuff, climb in to stuff, and crawl under stuff. This has made for many moments where I simultaneously think "Oh crap!" and "This is the funniest thing ever!" Thus, the many and blurry photos. Let me elaborate with photos.
Scenario #1:
This is the root of the nail polish question. She had grabbed my nail polish bottle, and in the course of about 30 seconds (while my back was turned, of course), she had unscrewed the bottle and gotten the polish everywhere. (Speaking of opening things, the child is a master at opening anything. Seriously, anything at all. This is usually the source of most of my "Oh crap!" moments.)
Scenario #2:
She loves to climb on things. Today she decided to climb up on the printer box, then to stand up and survey her world. Luckily she did not fall down. I'm waiting for the day when that will happen...because it will. One day.
Scenario #3:
I didn't mention climbing through things...but she can. The dog door, in particular. (By the way, I made that shirt she's wearing.)
Then she turns around and looks at me with this mischievous grin, and my heart melts.
Scenario #4:
Everything goes in her mouth. At least this time it was food...albeit an entire Saltine. But whatever.
Scenario #5:
I'm cooking. I look down. My child has disappeared into the cabinet. And has climbed onto the top shelf. Great.
Scenario #6:
This was one of my more major "Oh crap!" moments. Can you tell what's in her hands? That's right. Mini bottles of alcohol. I have them in a cabinet far in the back to cook with, and of course!!! Eden found them. Of course. And I love the look I happened to capture in the photo. That's how I'm sure she would have looked had she been successful at opening the bottles.
Scenario #7:
Another one of my more severe "Oh crap!" moments. I was unloading the dishwasher, turned around to rearrange a stack of plastic bowls, and turned back around and Eden had crawled onto the dishwasher door, pulled out a knife (a butter knife, but still) and a fork and was sucking on the knife. Joy.
Scenario #8:
I was watching my friend's kid, Noah, and Eden got a hold of the Kleenex box and began pulling out all the tissues. Then Noah joined. After taste testing a few, Eden decided it was more fun to rip them to shreds.
Scenario #9:
While I was doing laundry, Eden discovered how to pull out the bowls from Ruby's dog food container and stick her head inside of it while wiggling her fingers in the food. I've found her many times with the dog food in her hands, but I've yet to catch her trying to eat it. I'll let you know the day that happens.
Scenario #10 (10? Is anyone else tired just from reading about Eden's shenanigans?)
Full speed ahead down the hallway ready for church. Of course with something in our hands.
Wait! Come back here!
Scenario #11:
This is a frequent game we play called "How many items can we hold in our hands and/or stick in our mouths?" I love that the items are swimming goggles. I don't even remember the last time we used those things. Where did she even get them out of???
Scenario #12:
We've already investigated the dog food. Now for the water.
Scenario #13:
This is another game we play called "Can I fit in this?"
The answer is no. (She was crying in this photo. I was laughing.)
Oh, Eden. You goober. You drive me crazy.
But I love you more than anything in the world. You little goofus.