Happy 2012, everyone!
The holidays were lovely, but I can honestly say I'm happy to see the end of them and get back to a normal routine. I feel like November and December were kind of one big long vacation-but-not-really blur. I thrive on routine. Without it, I fall into a slump that is really hard to get out of, especially being pregnant (the couch is always soooo inviting...). Anyway, Kevin officially started his new S.O.S. teaching cycle on Tuesday. He gets his first S.O.S. students this coming Monday. With him returning to his regular job, I have been re-inspired to un-slump myself and Eden. It's a new year, and I'm ready to get back to normal. I have been bad about letting Eden's normal routine slip (which part of me feels a little okay about since I'm pregnant and sleeping is just so wonderfully wonderful), but life is so much easier outside of pajamas so that's what I'm going to strive to do. Pajamas come off, real clothes go on, and away we go.
Unfortunately, this plan was sent slightly askew the first day this year. Eden took her first (and I pray to our Heavenly Father above the last) trip to the ER this past Sunday night due to difficulty breathing. Luckily, it's only croup, but let me tell you: listening to your child struggle to breathe is worse than struggling to breathe yourself. Good Lord, I was close to flipping out (which I did not - *cough cough* - despite what Kevin claims). But like I said, luckily Eden only has croup, which sounds, literally, horrific, but is actually quite common, I hear. (FYI: croup is when the trachea swells around the voice box and makes breathing a bit difficult and is often exacerbated by a cold which causes congestion and thus greater difficulty breathing. At least this is how I understand it.) But she's on the mend, thankfully. She's all drugged up on steroids (to reduce swelling in her throat) and antibiotics (to protect her lungs from infection) and cough syrup (duh), all of which I'm not a fan, but I guess all those drugs are better than listening to her wheeze and cry.
Other than that, things are fine here in Lawracy Land. I'll post holiday photos on my next post, I promise. No photos today. Sorry.