I'm starting this month off on a positive, productive foot: a posting on the first day. I've been back in a blah slump for a few days ("Already?" you say? Yes. Though, I'm pretty sure this is due to lack of sleep from pregnancy induced heartburn.) so I'm climbing out of it...or at least trying as much as a 30-week pregnant person can.
So anyway, the weather here in Alabama has been very un-winterly. It's quite depressing. 60-70s every day. It's February, people. I want cold weather. I guess I will have to live out the rest of this winter living vicariously through Julia in Alaska (3 feet of snow, anyone?). So anyway, despite my disappointment in the warmth of this winter, it has given Eden and me more opportunities to do things outside, so here's what we've done:

This is another reason I had a child: to have an excuse to play with Crayola products. I can't wait till I can buy all the Crayola crayons (is a new 96-pack every week too much??) and other crafty things for
myself Eden to play with. Already loooving the giant chalk. :)

As you can see in the above picture, I am not the only parent in this household with an affinity for coloring. It'll be even better when Eden stops trying to eat the crayons while Kevin and I are coloring with her in our laps.
New favorite photo:

Have a great week!
Oh wait - I forgot to tell you: I am taking a birth doula workshop this coming weekend to learn to become a firefighter - just kidding, a birth doula (duh). My goal/wish is to be able to offer labor/postpartum support to women in Montgomery on a part-time basis. Hopefully I actually get some clients and can figure out the whole may-need-childcare-at-2-AM-randomly thing. Besides Baby 2, it's the next biggest event in my life right now. Wish me luck!