Where did March go? How is it that almost 30 days have passed without a single posting on my part? I blame pregnancy-related lack of motivation. To do anything. Like clean. Or change out of my pajamas. I think my toddler has stolen my energy. She certainly has had enough energy to do things like throw crayons and Q-tips e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. I don't even have the motivation to say no. How sad is that. Oh well. I'm choosing to view crayons and Q-tips around the house as domestic confetti. How's that for a positive spin on things?
So anyway, the weather here has been beautiful. I accept the 80-degree weather now because it is officially spring. I'm no longer poo-pooing on the weather. So we've been spending lots of time outside waddling around the newly redone yard (courtesy of Kevin) and our neighborhood. Apparently I have not uploaded the outside photos I've taken recently, but here are some other ones.
I put together a shelving unit for Eden's closet and she decided -- mid assembly -- that it would be a great place to sit and relax. With a blanket.
Eden finally likes the swing. Only for about 10 seconds, but still. Better than nothing.
I believe if Eden could stay in one place for most of her day, this would be it: tangled in blankets with Sparty and Ruby nearby.
Stylish, no?
And a little book time with Mommy. Unfortunately lap space is a little limited, but that'll go away soon (hopefully).
And that's it. Please send me "go-into-labor-vibes." I'm tired of bending over my belly to do dishes, cook, and wash clothes. Although it does provide a great seat on which Eden rests when I'm holding her.