So in case you didn't know, our trip to Ohio was bad. So bad, that after I almost left 24 hours after getting there, instead I left 4 days after getting there. To remind you, I was supposed to stay at least one week or maybe even two. But I think having to put Ruby down (by myself without Kevin while wrangling two children) the day I left to go out of town kind of set a negative tone for the trip.
First of all, it was my first time traveling with both my children by myself on a long car trip.
I clearly am not equipped to do that yet.
We had to stay in a hotel in Kentucky halfway there and then Kevin's hotel the second night and then move to another place the third night. By then I was exhausted. Sleeping in one bedroom with 2 young children at the same time - I do not recommend.
Eden decided to stop being potty-trained while on this trip. And Winnie got a cold. And it snowed and I had packed all wrong. And I left Winnie's mattress at the hotel from the first night.
Like I said, it was not great. (Luckily, Eden has since reversed this potty-regression and is now no longer using diapers at nap time (though still at night time but I'll take my small victories). Woo-hoo!)
We did manage to do a few fun things while in Ohio, though.
This one is of Eden when we went to visit the (really cool) Air Force museum at Wright Patterson AFB. Definitely a place to go back and visit again.
And this is Winnie during a bath at the hotel. She had a soap mustache, but I didn't really capture it.
We went to Young's Dairy Farm and got cheese curds and ice cream (YUM). We got to feed some (very very very) pregnant goats and see some dairy cows. Eden was afraid to get near the goats and cows, but she did like looking at them.
Look at this poor nanny goat! She is huuuuge!
We also got to see Kevin's college roommate Andy and his fiancee Jess.
So our trip wasn't a complete bust. But still. I was very happy to get home.
Since then, we've been having a nice time at home.
We've enjoyed our first bubble-blowing session of the season.
It was pretty cold still but it was so sunny and pretty outside.
This was all Winnie wanted to do with the bubbles - stick her fingers in the bottle.
Eden decided to try to sit on the bubble bottle and blow bubbles. Weirdo.
I took 11-1/2-month-old photos of Winnie. Or tried to, anyway. She is a mover and a shaker. I finally got her to sit still for 30 seconds with some Easter eggs. These aren't the greatest of her, but at least I got some. I didn't get any for her 11-month-old birthday because that was the day I put Ruby down.
This is an example of most of the photos I took:
And finally, we took some more bath time photos because I just can't get enough. Winnie had a grand time watching Sparty, who was going bananas over the bubbles.
At the end of the bath, Eden was a little over tired and this is what happened.
I still had to get a photo of it. :)
Happy Easter, everyone!
P.S. Kevin leaves around May 6 (plus or minus or day or two). In case you were wondering.