Today was one of those days.
It began with a mammoth Eden tantrum, complete with kicking, screaming, drooling, and rolling on the ground.
In front of company.
It ended with another identical tantrum from Eden, only this one was longer.
Lucky me.
In between those two tantrums, Winnie gifted me two of her own tantrums - first ones ever - when I took a lollipop away from her. She flung herself on the ground and proceeded to follow Eden's tantrum format.
It's great when your toddler AND your sweet baby both turn into demon children in the same day.
And by the way, Winnie's tantrums were in front of company, too.
I know, I know, you don't have to tell me how lucky I am. Four tantrums in 12 hours.
Jealous yet?
So I uploaded photos tonight to remind myself that my children are not devil spawn and that usually I like them.
Just not today.