* had two clients due to have babies this month (that sounds like a good excuse, right?)
* it's too hot outside (never mind the cooler temperatures from the unheard-of daily rain)
* I'm tired (always a good, honest, useable excuse - applicable to many things)
* I've had visitors (this one is legitimate)
* I'm addicted to Instagram (this one may be the most genuine of all these excuses)
* uploading and editing photos is not my favorite thing (another genuine one)
So you can pick which one you like best. After all, according to my boss in college, I am an excuse muffin. I should live up to a stellar title like that one.
Anywho, at least you're in for a whirlwind of photos today. I won't post them all from the entire month, so that I have some to use for several posts (and I will post, I will post, I will post...)
Rewind the calendar to June for a bit.
Since Kevin's been gone, we've been doing our daily removing of a link on our deployment chain. I'd say we actually do the activity on the link about 1 out of every 20 that we remove. And the ones I do usually involve something like "watch a movie" or "eat ice cream for dinner." Go figure.
So one night we pulled a link that said "movie night with popcorn." So into our jammies we jumped, onto the couch we hopped, and popcorn started flying while Thomas the Tank Engine entertained us.
Eden loved this activity. Winnie loved the popcorn. I loved the amount of effort it required from me.
One of the chain links said to go to the zoo, and luckily that same day someone from church invited us to go along and we had a blast. My favorite part: the 3-hour nap Eden took and the 4-hour nap Winnie took after we got home. That alone is worth the $85 family annual membership fee.
There were 10 kids and 4 adults (3 moms and a grandma). It really was a lot of fun. Despite Montgomery being a pretty lame place to live (though Panama City still holds the "Lamest Place to Live" title), its zoo isn't half bad. It's small, but most of the walkways are shaded (big plus in this psycho heat) and there are a lot of different exhibits. Even one where you can feed a giraffe (Eden was terrified of this but Winnie had a blast).
Eden! Stand like a flamingo!
There is also a great big park at the zoo that is sort of shaded.
The zoo AND a park in one day? Bestill their little beating hearts.
The following may be my favorite photo from our trip.
I think I'll leave it at that. That's a great photo to end on.
More later (I promise...no really, I do.).