...Where are we moving?
And the answer is...
...We still don't know long-term, but short term we do have an answer. It's probably not what you're expecting.
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Here's the shortened version why:
Kevin is separating from the Air Force, for several reasons, but mainly because with all the reductions in force and the potential for our retirement to go out the window if the RIF affects him.
He is applying for jobs (doing the same things he did in the Air Force) with an oil company called ARAMCO in Saudi Arabia in the same city he lives in now.
We have renters moving into our house on May 16, so we must vacate before then so we will be staying at my mom's beach house in North Myrtle Beach for...well, that's the thing. We don't know for how long.
The job application process with this company typically takes 4-6 months. We started counting the beginning of March. So, in theory, we will know something around the end of June. Or maybe August. Or maybe before that. Or maybe after. Who knows? We don't.
So we will be living in limbo for this summer, praying our hearts out to God to give us faith and patience to find out what is next in our lives.
There are more details to this story, but those are the main ones. And to answer the questions that most people seem to ask:
-- No, we do not feel unsafe in Saudi Arabia. No, we are not taking our tiny female children to a place where they will be suppressed and grow up in slavery. No, there is no more terrorism over there than there is here in the U.S.
-- No, Kevin does not hate the Air Force. The AF has been very good to us. We are just ready for a little more job security in light of all the RIFs.
-- Yes, I support Kevin in doing this. It was my idea (sort of).
-- Yes, we love Saudi Arabia that much.
-- Yes, we will miss our families and friends.
-- Yes, the pay will be good if he gets the job.
-- Yes, the flight to S.A. is long.
-- Kevin will get paid from the AF till September so we will have definite income and insurance till then.
-- Yes, we have, like, 3 back-up plans in case this whole S.A. thing doesn't work out. But truthfully, yes, we will be perturbed about leaving the AF if S.A. doesn't work out.
-- No, I'm not scared. I have faith that God will take care of us, as long as we make responsible decisions about our financial security and have patience in this whole process.
-- And finally, yes, yes, YES, I PROMISE to let everyone know what happens as soon as we know something definite. When that will be, who knows....
-- And finally, finally, because for some reason this question seems get asked along with everything else, yes, we are planning on having more children. I don't know how many. No, I'm not pregnant.
And P.S. Yes, this means I will probably succumb to using Facebook more if we do indeed move there. Evil, evil Facebook.
If there's a crucial question you just must know the answer to, by all means ask it. I will be happy to answer it with as much info as I can. Though, probably my answer will involve some form of "I don't know. I hope so."