Anyway, April shenanigans included Easter, Winnie's third birthday non-party (no presents, no party hats, just friends and cupcakes), and Jillian's two-month photos (taken twice because I wasn't a fan of the first batch).
So I'll go ahead and confess that we don't do the Easter bunny...or Santa for that matter. We've told our girls they are pretend and while very fun to think about, Easter and Christmas are celebrations about Jesus Christ and not an oversized rabbit with candy or a fat dude giving out presents. But I'm not a complete parental scrooge, so we did do Easter baskets filled with no candy (because you do NOT want to be around Winnie on candy - think crazed wind-up toy that at any moment explodes into tantrum-y screaming) but lots of Easter books (about Christ), art supplies, and puzzles.
Later, Kevin was so exhausted from the activities that he and Jillian fell asleep on the couch together.
Next up, Jillian at 2 months old.
Like I said before, I took these twice because the first batch wasn't my favorite. However, I got some candids of Winnie (who always wants her picture taken) and Jillian that crack me up.
This one is nice.
These next two make me laugh.
Here's the second attempt:
And the obligatory "TAKE MY PHOTO NOW TOO, MOMMY!" photo:
Finally, Winnie's third birthday. We had a non-party at our house. I made cupcakes with pink frosting (because pink is currently her favorite color) and we invited some friends of hers and their parents over to eat the 4 dozen cupcakes I made.
And there ya have it. Nothing else much is going on in April other than us hanging outside and enjoying the weather (while Kevin works on improving our backyard and making it more kid-friendly).
One more photo just because this photo is such a good representation of Winnie in every day life. A mess. A goofball. Bursting with personality. And love. And one heck of a tantrum thrower.