I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky.
I think about it every night and day.
I spread my wings and (try to) fly away.
I believe I can soar. See me running through the open dooooooor!
I believe I can fly. I believe I can fly.
Oh I believe I can flyyyyyyyy.
Hair, I do NOT believe I enjoy you at the moment. And let me state for the record once more that I do not enjoy the wings.
In case you readers are having trouble comprehending the flying and wings of my hair, I've included a picture. Keep in mind, this is after I've washed it and (tried to) style it.
Moral of this story: I hate HATE HATE growing my hair out.
hahaha! i feel your pain. i've grown my hair out many a time from short short hair, and it just sucks. when did you go blonde??
oh, and how long are you growing it?
I went blonde for summer. Since I'm growing it out and couldn't cut it, I decided to dye it instead. I'm thinking I'm going to go back to brown next time. I'm over the blonde. I'm growing it out till I either can or can't stand it anymore. I promised Kevin I'd wait till December to see if I liked it then (by then it should be long enough to pull it back). We'll see.
Funny stuff...this is great reading
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