And just for a reference point, here is a photo of the maintenance banquet Kevin and I went to on Saturday night. (Spouses are encouraged to wear tricked out uniforms; my special accessory was my belly.) The banquet was the main reason I wrote the last blog posting about lots of people saying I didn't look pregnant. I will admit the beige color of the shirt doesn't emphasize my belly, but in person it's pretty obvious, in my opinion. Anyway, enough harping on that issue. I'm laying it to rest now.
P.S. I found a maternity bathing suit for $7 today at my favorite (only) baby consignment store. I love good deals! Kelsey, I'm now fully prepared to go swimming in Blake's wading pool when I come visit in April if it's warm enough.
Like I are beautiful...
Omg Cam you're round, yet still beautiful and totally attractive. Winky must be growing big and strong!
How was that? A good compliment? I worked on it for a while :)
PS Any bathing suit for $7 is a great deal!
Julia, A++ on your comment! Specific, flattering, complete hooey yet completely believeable!! :D Excellent compliment giver! I deem you a professional! :)
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