1. I'm baking a baby. Here's me at 36 weeks. I'll be 37 weeks tomorrow which means I'll be full term which means at any point now Winky's timer could go off and it'll be time to take the cake out of the oven, so to speak.
2. I baked a cake from scratch today for my dad. It's a Black Walnut cake (his favorite flavor). It's my first cake in my endeavor to bake all the cakes in the book All Cakes Considered by Melissa Gray (an excellent read, by the way). Pardon my pride, but I'm very proud of my not-perfect, but beautiful in my eyes nevertheless because I'm its "mother", cake.
3. I'm "baking" a veggie garden (there's heat, water, and ingredients involved - that's kinda baking). I have about 6 tomatoes that are growing quite nicely, my zucchini are flowering like crazy, my peppers are taaaallllll, and my cinnamon basil has lovely purple flowers all over it.
So there you have it. My three kinds of bakin'. Yay!