This week's goals: take Eden's 3-month-birthday photos, organize my closet (includes trying on all clothes to see if any pre-pregnancy clothes fit), finish decorating my craft room, go grocery shopping, run the never-ending errands, accomplish other daily menial tasks, and above all, get dressed complete with jewelry and make-up post shower EVERY SINGLE WEEK DAY. This last goal is harder than it sounds. Don't laugh.
It's Tuesday and I've taken Eden's photos (please see below if so desired), organized my closet (about half my stuff fits which is encouraging - no unnecessary shopping needed for larger pants), cleaned out the refrigerator, and yes indeed I've gotten fully dressed - in the morning, no less!! - with jewelry and make-up yesterday and today! So far, so good. I'm giving myself a "satisfactory" on my performance report so far with extra kudos for cleaning the frige. :)
Here are the fruits of my photography labors today (warning, there are a lot):
(Does anyone else think she looks like an Oompa Loompa in this last photo?)
If you want to see even more, click HERE.