It occurred to me today as I was standing at the sink washing dishes while my child slept peacefully in her crib and my dogs lay passed out on the tile floor: I am a stay-at-home mom. You may think to respond with the obligatory "DUH" but really this had not occurred to me until today. Basically every time I've stayed at home without a job has been for a specific reason relating to waiting for or working towards obtaining professional employment. But today I realized that I'm not really waiting for employment at the moment. My job is full-time (though I will not qualify myself as "professional" because I have no clue what I'm doing) momma. And housewife. So I am going to try to embrace this new job of mine, which will be semi-difficult because I have always attributed part of my identity with being employed. And though I am not employed, per se, I do have a job (for which I am on duty 24/7 but at least they do allow naps on site occasionally and an optional uniform is pajamas - can't beat that). So from time to time I may offer some musings on my attempts to reconcile the roles of Momma and Housewife into the slot next to "Occupation." It may be pleasant, it may be ugly, and it'll always be honest.
This week's goals: take Eden's 3-month-birthday photos, organize my closet (includes trying on all clothes to see if any pre-pregnancy clothes fit), finish decorating my craft room, go grocery shopping, run the never-ending errands, accomplish other daily menial tasks, and above all, get dressed complete with jewelry and make-up post shower EVERY SINGLE WEEK DAY. This last goal is harder than it sounds. Don't laugh.
It's Tuesday and I've taken Eden's photos (please see below if so desired), organized my closet (about half my stuff fits which is encouraging - no unnecessary shopping needed for larger pants), cleaned out the refrigerator, and yes indeed I've gotten fully dressed - in the morning, no less!! - with jewelry and make-up yesterday and today! So far, so good. I'm giving myself a "satisfactory" on my performance report so far with extra kudos for cleaning the frige. :)
Here are the fruits of my photography labors today (warning, there are a lot):

(Does anyone else think she looks like an Oompa Loompa in this last photo?)
If you want to see even more, click
Cameron she is absolutely beautiful!
she really is beautiful and i loved your confessions. i feel like that still and know that in about 3 months, it's only going to get worse! there are still days i don't make it to the shower, but i do always manage to get dressed. does that count??? ;) can't wait to see you next month. are we doing it at my house or yours??
More pictures of momma and baby would be good...and daddy and baby...this is great stuff.
Being a stay at home mom is a full time job. If Kevin had to pay someone for what you do, it would be over 100,000 a year. Thats what the insurance people told Jonathan. That he needed to have more life insurance on me, incase something happened to me first, he would be able to pay someone to do all the things I do for atleast a year. HAHA. Kudos for you on getting fully dressed everyday with makeup. I till don't do makeup everyday. LOL Pictures are fabulous!!! Oh wait?? Dogs?? Plural?? When did y'all get another dog and what kind is it?
Yes she does look like an Oompa Loompa. I guess I never thought of you as a stay-at-home mom either until just now. To me you'll always be Cameron, my Tyndall savior :) And PS sometimes I don't make it to the shower, or get dressed but forget the makeup and I don't even have a baby! You're da bomb diggity!
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