I know it's not Monday and it's definitely not morning (or evening for that matter), but it is time for a current posting from Lawracyland so I figured there's no better time that the (very late) present!
Last time I left you with a ho-hum posting, so I must immediately make amends and give you a posting that will leave you smiling. Without further ado, here we go:
Eden has started making really goofy faces lately, so I finally captured it on camera. Get ready to laugh.
Funny faces (10.5 months old) from Cameron Lawracy on Vimeo.
Our backyard is almost completely finished. Kevin still has to put edging and dog-proof fencing up around the small beds, but basically it's done. Our vegetable garden is even planted.
Our windows to our bedroom and master bathroom (excuse the shoddy grass - we are trying to fill in the bald spots):

And if you slowly keep turning to the right, you'll get to see the full span of our backyard. Here you go:

(ignore the trailer, Kevin hasn't moved it to the side yard yet)

And here's the bed he put out front:

Here's the side yard that has been the bane of my existence. It's weird and sloping and narrow and ugly. But Kevin beautified it up a bit.

And just because nature amazes and confounds me at the same time, I have to include this photo:

The white flowers you see are annuals (?? is that the right word? It's the type of plant that is supposed to die after 1 year.) and they miraculously came back to life this year. See the potted bush thing? Those are our lemon and lime trees. They were supposed to stop flowering a few months ago. And now they are covered in flowers and tiny citrus fruit. Go figure.
Eden and I recently went to Georgia to visit the Petersons. As always it was equally fun and educational. I learned how to make strawberry freezer jam and angel food cake (YUM-O!!). Eden discovered the joy of a big blue ball.

My angel food cake attempt at home after our trip:

And because I am gearing up for the time of year during which there are massive amounts of birthdays and celebrations to send cards and presents for, I've been super productive in the crafting department. I've completed a lot of sewing projects that were more like sewing chores (you know, fixing rips, hemming stuff, etc.), and a few projects for gifts. I made a pair booties whose last step baffled me for 2 hours, but I overcame my confusion eventually.

I puff-painted the bottom so they would grip better. All in all, a fun project (minus the 2 hours of frustration at the end).

And I made my friend Julia (hey, Julia!!) her bday present, but I don't know if she's received it yet, so I won't post it yet.
Kevin and I joined a CSA (community-supported agriculture) farm, from which we've purchased a share of produce for the summer and so I've been in what-do-I-do-with-this-fresh-vegetable cooking mode.
Here's this week's bounty:

I've made beets, swiss chard, mustard greens, mint tea, rice pudding (with egg yolks leftover from angel food cake-ing), vanilla ice cream custard (this did not turn out well, but oh well) and other stuff I can't remember. Eden loves swiss chard. She's not the hugest fan of the beets but we'll try that again later. Here's the aftermath of the beets feeding.

(I love that little fuscia tongue.)
And speaking of Eden, she is really into making goofy faces lately (like I said before). Capturing it on camera has been so fun.

And she has randomly started sucking her thumb. At 10 months old. Weird.

So that's my life lately. Hope all is well in your world! Good night!