Eating at the Neely's restaurant in Nashville (same Neelys as Pat and Gina from Food Network)
Eating at a Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives place in Cincinatti with our friend Heather Snyder
Snoozin' in the early morning hours at Heather's house in Dayton
Enjoying a quiet moment with Daddy reading a book in Grand Rapids at Lizzie and Dave's house
Visiting Grand Haven in Michigan with Lizzie - sans Muffin's face. (Lizzie, we did not get any photos of all of us with Dave! Poo.)
Opening a present from Uncle Andy in East Lansing at Lizzie's parents house.
Digesting dinner in Detroit with Uncle Andy and his girlfriend Jess.
Visiting the Children's Garden on Michigan State's campus (Go Spartans!).
We stayed with Lizzie's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kidd, in East Lansing while we visited MSU. We basically took over their house and they were so gracious. It was so nice to stay there.
Finally we stopped near Ann Arbor to have breakfast with Kevin's first roommate, Jeremy, and his family at a Big Boy.
Overall, it was a great trip. Waaaay tooooo long in the car: over 39 hours. But we had a fun time. And now I'm still recovering.
Meanwhile, Muffin has learned to scoop dog food.
She can say Bye, Hi, and Uh-oh (and Mama, but she calls everybody mama). And she can sign Please, Thank you, I want, Milk, All done, Hi, and Bye. She knows to blow on hot food, and kind of how to eat with a fork.
That's the good. Unfortunately, she recently got her first ear infection. I know I should count myself as lucky to have a 16-month-old who has never had one before, but I was still sad. Sadder more when I discovered she wouldn't/won't take her antibiotics. She knows the flavor and I have tried E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. So we're getting through it. She's getting better, thankfully.
On a non-Muffin note, I've been dealing with trying to figure out how to give birth naturally in Alabama without fighting a battle. It's very restrictive here as far as birthing options go. You all know I'm a big proponent of natural birth, and it's almost unheard of here. So I've been mildly stressing about it. I know it'll all work out, but it'll take a lot more planning and preparation this time around. Blegth.
And finally we found out that Sparty's elbows have a developmental deformity, known as elbow dysplaysia. Surgery is only available in Birmingham and will cost between $1500 and $2200. Double yuck.
So that's our life lately. Oh, a Kevin update: he's still doing curriculum development for SOS (a course for all AF captains) which he'll start teaching in January. Plus, he's currently working on his last class of his master's degree. Hurray!
Okay, that's it. Hope everyone's doing great! OH, wait!! I have a quick "survey" for you. You will probably have noticed by now that I'm (grudgingly) growing my hair out. Please leave me a message and let me know which you think I look better in: long(ish) hair, or short hair. You won't hurt my feelings. Tell me truth. I'm going to start my hair cutting campaign with Kevin soon and I'm curious how many people think I look better with short hair (but you won't hurt my feelings if you think I look better with longer hair. You'll just make me feel better about myself currently.)
Hey Cameron, I just found your blog (it is Amy Newkirk!) I personally like you with medium length hair (the way it is now). I think you are beautiful with a great sense of style that I admire. Good luck giving birth here in Alabama. Maybe you can wait to get to the hospital until the last possible second so you can be completely natural (hey it worked for me) and then you only have to fight the second battle. It will all work out and of all people you'll find a way.
I can't believe doctors/etc aren't supportive of natural birth!!! Especially knowing you've done it before. That is pure insanity. Have you found a midwife or a doula? I'm sure they would help you a lot in your quest.
Good catching up last night! And you probably already know that I like your hair short best, but do like it how it is now too.
Glad Muffin is doing better...looks like a great trip with friends. As far as the hair goes, I have to stay neutral because you are beautiful with long or short. Maybe keep it long for Kevin for a while...sorry to hear Sparty needs the surgery.
Sorry to hear about Sparty! That really stinks. Yes, be thankful Eden has only had one ear infection. By the time Eli was 16months old we had had about 11 or more. I personally like your hair a little shorter than it is now. If you have the pic of you and me after we had dinner in downtown Montgomery when we visited last, I like that length :) Love you lots!!! Miss you tons :)
Loved this post and all the pictures!!!! :) Esp. the one of you and Eden in the children's garden and the pier pic from GH! I have to send you mine - I haven't been so good about keeping up with photos - this will be good motivation! :P
I hope you find some good options for natural birth - it seems like it is the hipster thing to do here but that stinks it's not caught in AL. At least it is not the 1960s anymore - just watched the Mad Men episode where Betty Drapper gives birth to their 3rd kid = horrifying!
I have to weigh in on the hair question too - I think you should do whatever makes you feel happy :) You always look so pretty no matter what your hair style is but you are always so extra joyful after getting it cut shorter - a little extra sparkle to your always sparkling self(sorry Kevin!)
And one final random thing - we found Eden's nail clippers! I will get those sent to you soon!
lots love and hugs!
lizzie :)
Well, I met you with super short hair, and I have to say it really fits you...spunky! It also looks super cute on a preggo, which you were when I met you. :) So...since you are preggo again, I think you should cut it! However, when you let it grow, I really liked it. If you want honesty, I think I liked better a little while back. I think it's getting a little too long now. That is SUPER honest. :)No matter what, you are a super pretty lady. You could shave your head and still look like a million bucks!
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