Tonight was Eden's second Halloween. I have to admit, it wasn't much more successful than the last Halloween. I got her in her costume for about 15 minutes, then it was time to eat dinner, then it was time for bed. She stared bewildered at 2 trick-or-treaters then ran off after Ruby in the living room. I still had fun, though. We carved our pumpkin this afternoon. Eden helped by spooning the insides back into the pumpkin after I scooped them out.
She even flexed her creative muscle by adding some Wandering Jew plant stems to the scooped out insides.
In case you're wondering how our lovely pumpkin turned out, here it is:
I tried a new technique by carving out "BOO" in the back. It's supposed to light up on a wall behind the pumpkin, but this didn't really work because there was too much light outside. Oh well.
At church we went to the Trunk-or-treat. It was so fun. Insane and chaotic, but fun. First we all ate chili at the chili cook-off then children ran amok outside in the parking lot.
Here's Eden enjoying the attention of some church friends:
And looking intrigued by the trunk of Brother Seavey's car:
Now for some non-Halloween news. Eden had a hilarious (according to me and Kevin) run-in with a ketchup container. Eden was not so happy about it. But we cracked up. Don't you love when your baby does something that makes them cry and instead of consoling them, you run to get the camera and capture their sadness/embarassment/angry/frustration instead? I do.
After the church trunk-or-treat, Eden was insane for 2 hours at home. I couldn't even catch her long enough to take off all her clothes. She absconded from me in this condition:
And terrorized Ruby:
And finally, our wonderful friends the Newkirks PCSed to N.C. last week so no more mommy-time swapping and regular (free babysitting) date nights for us. And no more Amy and Noah. Very sad. I am very sad.
So that's our life lately. Oh, a Sparty update: he had to have more surgery because the pins in his arms broke and bent and he got an infection in one, so he's on more crate-rest and medicine. Joy. Poor little guy. He probably thinks we have forsaken him forever.
Great update! Less than two weeks til I see you!
I love the ketchup picture and her pumpkin adventures...
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