I've realized I've entered the "waiting around" stage of pregnancy. In my head, this means life goes on like normal, however mentally all I'm doing is waiting for baby. Chores - well, I get them done...ish, but it's not like my normal everyday focus. I find myself trying to come up with things to do just to make the days go by. I've treated myself to a fun drink and french fries two days in a row. I never ever do that normally. I even share the french fries with Eden, something else I NEVER do (not because I don't want to share, but because I don't want her addicted to french fries). So anywho, that's what life is like for us right now. Waiting around. Buying things at Walmart I probably don't need.
Here's our life in photos lately:
It must feel great sticking your head in a mesh container. This is not the first time Eden has done this.
On a random productive note, I did make my friend this gathered carseat canopy. I'm halfway through making one for Baby 2. Note to self: I should probably finish that thing soon.
Bubble blowing is an almost daily ritual.
Look at my poor baby's knees. She is the queen at skinning her knees. Literally, she will fall several times in one day and reskin them over and over. Bandaids have become our new magic healing best friends.
My dad came to visit a week ago. We hung out and did nothing. It. Was. Great.
And sorry, Dad, but I'm totally going to out you as the Bubble Master.
We used Eden's pool (bought at Target last season for $3.74! I heart Target clearance!) for the first time this season on Tuesday because it was 90 degrees. Eden decided the best thing about her pool was the ability to drink from it - complete with sunscreen residue, grass, bubble solution, and dog slobber. Yum.
Don't you love discovering a new use for something? Case in point: a manual air pump - not just for inserting into pool valves, but also for inserting in your nose!
Or your mouth:
And five minutes can't go by without some dog love:
So there you have it. That's our life. Happy and happily mundane.