Happy Still-No-Baby-But-Oh-Well Day!
Happy Finding-Other-Things-To-Do Day!
On a completely related note, Kevin has daddy intuition that Friday night will be the night. And we'll have a boy. This intrigues me to my very core. So I'm no longer looking forward to today or tomorrow. But Friday night. That's the night.
I told him if he's wrong, I'll hate him forever.
Of course, it'll be hard to hate a person who leaves me messages like this to wake up to:
Maybe it will be a girl and arrive on Thursday...but today would be good too...
Praying for the day to fly by :)
Happy Friday thoughts! A+ to Kevin too!
Your last 4 posts have been about "no-baby yet"... I think you're ready for baby to come out. Selfishly I want you to keep baby in there until April 22, then we can be birthday buddies! But I'm pretty sure that's not what you want. Can't wait to meet baby online and in person :)
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