Eden's birthday this year was very low key (same as last year). We wrapped up some books and puzzles and put them on her new table (that was really a Christmas present from Toto and Grandpa).
Her favorite present was actually a Christmas present from Kevin's parents: a stuffed Thomas pillow pet. She loves him to death.
Here was her birthday "cake" - we did the blowing out of the candle the day after her birthday because we ran out of time on her actual birthday.
Winnie, clearly, did not enjoy the festivities as much as Eden did.
Sequence of events for eating birthday day from Eden's perspective:
Mom is taking too long with the camera, so I'll just help myself.
What is this thing? I can't eat this.
Ahh, icing bliss. Must eat as much as possible in one bite.
Okay, now I'll try to blow out the candle.
Okay, back to the important part: icing.
Back to Mommy's perspective: she learned a new skill: "yicking" (i.e. licking) the candle.
And now onto non-birthday related items:
This is the fallout after a stint in time-out. Can you see the drool, tears, and snot?
Enjoying her table:
Taking a break from blueberry picking when my dad and Kathy and her two girls came to visit (don't you love how Alyssa is sitting in Eden's car seat and Eden is standing next to her?)
Boy, I wish I could sleep anywhere like this
The joys of playing in the sprinkler
And finally, Eden's favorite thing: bubbles.