This was the site in front of our house a couple Fridays ago:
And this was what our hallway looked like:
Eden got herself locked in one of our bedrooms. There was a table leaning against the wall and it had fallen over against the door and wedged itself against it so we could only open the door about 3 inches. After much brainstorming and phone calls, we finally gave up and called the fire department. They came and got her out after about 15 minutes. It was crazy. And we discovered Eden locked in the bedroom while I was in the middle of cleaning up 5 piles of dog barf. It was a great Friday, lemme tell ya.
But that was then. This is now. We moved the table. I learned my lesson.
What has life been like lately? Overall, I have good days and bad days. Bad days just mean I feel tired and overwhelmed and I don't get anything done besides feeding Eden junk food all day instead of healthy meals and staying in my pajamas (along with my children) and not showering. Good days mean both children take a nap at the same time, I am able to shower and get dressed complete with make-up and earrings, I feed myself and Eden healthy(ish) food, and I'm able to get at least a few things done around the house.
One of the things I've been able to do is make Winnie's blessing gown. Still have Eden's to do (it will look the same, just a bigger size) but here's Winnie's. I'm not going to use the bow. My mom just got excited and plopped it on her head for the photo.
Here's a grandma high on grandchildren. (Hi, Mom.)
Getting some Daddy love.
My mom was able to catch Winnie almost smiling in this photo.
Trying to fix the inflated pool that Sparty ate a HUGE hole in (so much for my $3.75 deal from Target lasting all summer)
I know this photo is blurry and Eden's half cut out of the picture, but I love it anyway because it shows how crazy and happy she gets running around our yard.
And that's about it lately. May has been and will continue to be people visiting month, so our house has been pretty full lately. It's been nice seeing our friends and family. Especially when they entertain our children long enough for me to have a leisurely shower and get dressed by myself.
Happy Thursday!
Oh my...those pictures will make for great scrapbooking. Can't wait to see you guys next weekend...and continue your May weekend visits...
Love that pic of Eden! And loved seeing you even more!
Can I be included in May visiting :) Just me :))) Love you and miss you!!!
OH my Cam! What a fiasco that must have been?! I would love to hear that story over the phone...we must talk soon!
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