She had climbed into Winnie's crib and gotten a bunch of bandaids and put them on herself.
As Kevin stated when he saw this one: Completely naked and all ready for war!
A few hours earlier this was her chosen ensemble:
Our fourth: we went to a friend's house to eat and then went to bed early because we were tired. Jealous of the excitement in our life?
By the way,
i made Eden's outfit. Turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself.
These are the cupcakes I took to the friend's house. They were fun and layered!
Eden trying out her new potty. She loves to pee in it...and everywhere else in the house. So we are waiting a little bit longer to pursue the potty training issue.
And lastly, Eden thought Winnie needed a hat so she put a washcloth on her head and screamed in glee. She thought it was hilarious, let me tell you.
And that's a peek into our life lately. Hope life is well with you, too!
Seriously Eden cracks me up! And because you aren't on Facebook (and you should be), I'll let you know what's happening with us here. Internet back up. Computer burned down. No idea if the pictures etc are going to salvageable. It's okay to cry. I have.
I agree with Kelsey that you should be on Facebook!! I love your updates and blog !! I can't wait to see you guys! Lets start planning :)
I love "Naked and Ready for War." You seriously should submit that somewhere, it's hilarious. Taking on the flys in sling-backs. You go girl!
PS Eden's 4th of July outfit is very cute indeed.
All fun stuff and great memories...can't wait till this weekend to see you...
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