* Random and loud renditions of the ABC song while in public
* Coloring of everything EXCEPT paper
* Responses such as:
Me: You want some crackers?
Eden: Yeah.
Me: What kind of crackers do you want?
Eden: Two kackers.
* Reaching milestones such as pooing in the potty:
* Understanding there is a purposeful face you make when Mommy says smile...but not quite knowing how to make the smile:
* Any moment of voluntarily "playing" (or sitting on, whatever) with Winnie
* Torturing Ruby with the Power Wheels car:
* Watching her "nurse" her stuffed bear while I nurse Winnie and hearing her say "Bear eat!" Right-on, kiddo!
That's my girl.
Takes after her mother at two who also loved the word "no". I do enjoy the blogs...love you...
Great post. I share your comments of the dual side to the "twos". They are just as glorious and they are mania-inducing. :) Know we have two little girls cut from very similar cloth who are just as wonderful as they are crazy! xo
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