Last time we checked, Kelsey and I had visited Maastricht to go shopping. After that we all went on this steam train ride to see the German version of Santa Claus. Santa wasn't so bad, but he has a sidekick named Black Peter who looks like the Grim Reaper. Seriously. It's like the Pope smashed with Halloween. Very creepy.
This is us on the train.
Random happy Winnie shot:
The Petersons' Christmas table for Christmas Eve feasting:
Winnie took her first steps on Christmas eve so I took some photos of her feet (sort of) to document their size. Goofy idea, but whatevs. (Pardon the food crusties around her nose.)
Christmas morning Kelsey made breakfast and we opened gifts.
Winnie and Eli hanging out:
Later that day their little boy Grant decided to drink a bottle of Children's ibuprofen as well as paint with the contents (he was okay - nothing happened) so he and Winnie got a dip in the bath (Winnie joined him just for something to do).
The next day we all went to Brugge, Belgium. For me to get chocolate. That's the only reason. Just kidding. Sorta.
Our walk down a side street.
It was cold. Winnie was bundled.
Loved the doors. So many bright colors. It inspired us to paint our own front door purple. Really. (Photo for you soon.)
Me and Winnie:
Random shots around Brugge:
Then we ate lunch with surprisingly good spaghetti at this restaurant with hot pink embellishments.
The square:
More strolling (notice the hair!)
Anyone notice this photo of chocolates?
This is the chocolate store (which is not the store that carries the chocolates above) that we traveled 2 and a half hours by car then who knows who long walking to get to so I could buy Belgium chocolates. Isn't Blake cute?
This is the Petersons' house:
And the Petersons' road:
We found a flight from Ramstein AB to Boston Washington International Airport (BWI). So Kelsey drove us to Ramstein then we stayed the night on base and got up the next morning and made it onto a flight to BWI.
This is the only time Winnie slept on the flight: the first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes. It was 8.5 hours long. It was a loooooong flight. Less comfortable than the cargo plane. This was a regular commercial aircraft (called the Patriot Express because it shuttles people back and forth between the US and Europe).
Luckily we were able to rent a car and stay the night at our friends the Masseys' house in Alexandria. Then we visited them (they weren't home when we stayed there) at their family's house in Charlottesville, VA.
Then we drove the rest of the way to my mom's house in SC.
And that was our trip to Germany. Very fun. Very relaxing. Very glad to be home (only because I couldn't take another second of sleeping with Winnie in the same room).
Oh wait, I forgot to tell you. I have a new website for my doula business! And I'm officially on facebook...well, at least as a doula I am. I'm Montgomery Doula. I figure it's a good way to network and get my name out there via word of mouth. Hopefully it works and I get some more clients this year.
Great pics!
Looks like a great time...
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