Monday, January 14, 2013

We interrupt this program...

*I am going to the pediatrician to double check about this. Poor kid has had more afflictions in her 9 months of life than Eden has in her 2 1/2 years. Must be second kid syndrome (i.e. exposure to more germs)??*

Calling all moms and anybody who knows about rashes.

What is this?

2013 01 01 winnie nakey 04

Sorry it's blurry. Baby's movey.

Anyway, I know it's caused by some kind of food. I am having the hardest time pinning down the cause. I keep thinking I figure out what's giving Winnie this rash and then I don't feed Winnie that food and she gets the rash again. It's not itchy or painful (from what I can tell). It goes away in about 2 days. Then comes back. It's always on the backs of her thighs, under her arms and sometimes on her torso.

I'm stumped. It doesn't seem to bother her at all, though, so I don't really want to go to the pediatrician because I feel like they'll just say, it's something she's eating.

We'll return to regularly scheduled blog posting tomorrow (i.e. the rest of our Christmas adventures).

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