I will continue to blog. I love it. I blogged before blogging was cool. So I'll keep going.
Here's what our Halloween looked like (I guess I'll post about Thanksgiving around Valentine's Day and about Christmas around July 4th...).
It was warmish, so we got to play outside some.
Here's my monkey climbing and goofing off.
At our church, we went to Trunk or Treat and I decorated my car like a big giant open mouth. It was awesome, if I do say so myself. Thank you, Pinterest, for the inspiration.
Here's what my girls dressed up as:
Eden was Princess Thomas the Tank Engine and Winnie was a witch that I sewed up a couple of years ago for Eden. Eden even got to wear Mommy's make-up. Ooo la la.
And Winnie wasn't the happiest posing for photos, but Eden doggedly held on like a big sister and did not let Winnie escape.
When Eden told me she wanted to be Thomas for Halloween, I decided she needed to be a girl version of Thomas. So after scouting Pinterest and googling "Girl Thomas costume" I decided to make my own. I got a regular t-shirt and some felt, freehanded a picture of Thomas's face onto some tracing paper then cut felt pieces to fit all his facial features and appliquéd Thomas's face to the shirt. (Sorry, that was probably way more than you wanted to know.) Then I made the skirt, cape, and boiler hat to go along with it. She was happy. So was I.
Overall, it was a great Halloween season, so to speak. We got to use the costumes several times and attend multiple Halloween functions so we had a blast.
On a separate note, Kevin is trying to come home for Christmas so he will try to get on a plane on Friday (this coming Friday) to come home and stay till Dec. 30. Cross your fingers that there is a seat with his name on it on the flight!
You are the most talented crafty person I know! I love the girls costumes!
very creative...
Cameron, you are so talented! Did you also make Winnie's orange Halloween dress? And I'm so excited about Kevin - today is Friday, did he make it on? Lots of love, Colette.
Sister Lawracy :)
i love reading your blogs but i would love to see your instagram as well! how can i find you?
and its so good to see how Eden and Winnie are growing, i miss them!
i definitely cross my fingers that Brother Lawracy was able to come home for christmas :)
Happy Holidays!
Sister Matsuoka
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