Friday, July 25, 2008

cranky and lovin' it

I am not a morning person. This is most obvious to poor Kevin. I am the type of person who, upon waking, does not want to be spoken to, does not like any noise whatsoever, does not like any interruption to my careful morning routine, and above all, does not like to be forced awake by any other method than the slow crescendo of the voices of Steve Inskeep and Renee Montagne on NPR on our Bose radio. Wake me up by any other method, and truly incur my wrath and horrid crankiness.

Poor, poor Kevin.

Ironically, my most favorite time of the week is Sunday mornings. Yes, mornings. Despite the monster that I am to anyone in my path who disturbs my peaceful morning time, I absolutely adore being awake (not being awakened - don't get the two confused) on Sunday mornings. There is nothing more soothing and soul-nourishing than padding into the kitchen, making the coffee while blankly staring out the kitchen window into the neighbors' yards, padding back into the living room, turning on public radio and listening to classical guitar and Sunday baroque and then just enjoying existing. It's simply great. I highly recommend it. Just don't call me and wake me up in the morning to tell me about it.


PS. I just had to put the link to Sunday Baroque and Classical Guitar Alive! for those of you who wish to experience the musical joy I feel on Sundays.

1 comment:

Jennifer Alyse said...

Good ole Sunday mornings. I too am not a morning person or a night person. What kind of person does that leave me to be. Reading your blogs make me chuckle sometimes. :)