Friday, April 08, 2011


It's how I feel today. Blah. I don't physically feel bad (though this cold has dug its nasty little claws deep into me and is hanging on for dear life), but it's just one of those days. How is that possible? It's Friday. "Those days" are only for Mondays, maybe Tuesdays, but never Fridays. Blah.
What is making today blah? Nothing overly horrible, or even slightly bad. I'm just feeling blah; you know, not motivated to do anything despite the atrocity that is the house right now. Here are my circumstances causing the blah:
* I woke up to the house smelling like a combo of 2-day-old chicken and pork chop styrofoam sitting in the trash, a full diaper pail, a dirty diaper sitting on the toilet that needed to be rinsed (the unsavory side of cloth diapering), and Ruby vomit on the carpet...3 inches away from the tile. And it's humid.
* There are 3 loads of laundry sitting in baskets that need to be folded and put away.
* I tried to hang a shelf in Eden's room today, and it was just giving me fits (normally this is not a hard task to complete) so now there are 2 extra holes in the wall (luckily behind the shelf now) that will have to patched one day. And I'm still not sure if the shelf is secure - a great feeling to have for a hung item in the baby's room.
* I dropped the drill on the diaper pail, busted the top, knocked down a bunch of crap that was sitting on top of the diaper pail (not literal crap, though, thankfully) and broke some bottle top covers.
* There is now a huge HUGE mess in front of Eden's door because of the shelf hanging project.
* The dishes have swollen to outside of the sink and are now leaking on the counter top.
* I have to unload the dishwasher (my least favorite chore ever).
* There are mysterious stains on my living carpet that seemed to have appeared overnight. (It's not Ruby vomit; I checked.)
* It's cloudy and humid outside so I can't hang the clean diapers outside because they won't dry so I have to hang them inside. So much less efficient.
* The kitchen floor is covered in muddy dog prints. I just mopped on Tuesday.
* There is random detritus everywhere, in every room, on every surface of this house.
* My craft room is the aftermath of a tornado because I had sewing class last night and had to finish my "homework" (piecing of a quilt).
* Kevin just walked through the door and I'm sitting here typing instead of cleaning so now I feel guilty and even lazier.
* Ugh.
* Tonight we have company for dinner so I have to clean. Not just should clean, but have to. Ugh.
* Kevin's laundry needs doing (that's in addition to the 3 loads sitting in the baskets).

So that sums it up pretty much. And I haven't taken a shower. So I also feel gross (even though I'm really not - I haven't gotten dirty so I'm not all that unclean).

I hate days like today. Ugh.


kelsey said...

Oh cam!! I can so empathize! It'll be okay--promise! And guess what? You'll be here soon!! So excited! Hope you have a nice night tonight!

Summer said...

LOVE this post girl. Your honesty deilghts your readers despite your misery. :) I hope the cleaning got done and that your dinner went well! You know I have days like that where the "blah" just doesn't seem like it can ever be over. Hope you are better today! xo, Sums