Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday to Eden!

Heaven help the cutenesss:


I don't know what to do with myself. I'm not bragging on my baking abilities (because clearly these are not gourmet), but oh, my, holy cupcake creation, batman! This is why you have children: to make strawberry cupcakes and use pink stripey tin liners and poke little paper fairies in the top and sprinkle sprinkles on top. I'm dying from the cuteness of it all. And I promise to upload photos of her full birthday extravaganza (slight sarcasm) tomorrow when I get my SD card reader in the mail and can up load photos (finally).

1 comment:

Summer said...

Love the cupcakes and awesome on your new camera! Any creation from a mommy's kitchen is a triumph in my opinion. :) Our daughter's will one day appreciate that statement! xo