Wednesday, January 30, 2013


I'm not sure if you speak Toddler-ease. I'm pretty fluent in it right now, but I didn't use to be. Here's a quick reference table for Toddler-ease, in the specific region of "Eden-ville."

skeery: mascara (as in, "Mommy, you have pretty meek-up [see below] and skeery on!)

meek-up: make-up

aminals: animals

uhn-ner-wear:  underwear

need beeg one: need a lot of something

dorsey door: grocery store

Kee-im: Cam (as in, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!...Kee-im! Kee-im!" like when she hears Kevin call my name)

choff-cloff: washcloth

Sometimes, I want to pull my hair out from Eden's tantrums and shenanigans. But then some times I could just squeeze her to bits.

2013 01 16 eden potty 08


Julia said...

I am impressed with your new linguistic abilities. You can now say you're bilingual!

Anonymous said...

an I have trouble with the southern dialects...can't wait to hear person