Tuesday, May 07, 2013


It's just me and the girls now. Kevin's officially gone, on his way to Saudi Arabia, eight hours ahead of us.

2013 05 07 kevin leaving for saudi 04

Our last day together was uneventful. He did some yard work. We took showers. We drove to the airport and stayed until we saw his plane taxi down the runway.

2013 05 07 kevin leaving for saudi 05

It wasn't terrible.

2013 05 07 kevin leaving for saudi 03

It wasn't fun.

2013 05 07 kevin leaving for saudi 02

*Deep breath.*

So now life will readjust to three girls and one dog. We'll be able to do facetime with Kevin and email him and Skype with him. I have all kinds of things planned to pass the time and to send to him.

2013 05 07 kevin leaving for saudi 01

Luckily we'll probably get to see him twice while he's gone since he gets 30 days of leave while he's there. We'll probably meet in Europe some place both times, since we've heard him coming home for a week or two and then leaving again is even harder than when he left the first time.

So far so good. I'm fine. I promise I will call/email/visit if I need something.


If you happen to throw a random email or text my way every now and then, I wouldn't mind.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a strong woman...this will be over before you know it...look forward to seeing you and the girls...