Thursday, January 09, 2014

Sleep, bows, and Winnie cuteness

I actually got all of my 500 photos edited and cut back to 143 (not too bad), so now I can share them with you!

I won't bombard you with all 143. In fact, I won't even get into the holiday photos yet. I'll just share some random shots and facts with you and then the next post I'll get into our Christmas and traveling photos.

This is my favorite time of day for Eden:

Lately she has decided that it is impossible to fall asleep or remain asleep in her bed and has migrated semi-permanently to mine. While this is not my favorite thing in the world, at least I have a king size bed and since Kevin is gone, I still have plenty of room (most of the time). Maybe it's just a temporary phase based on Kevin being gone? Please? Pretty please?

She is currently very into bows, tutus, skirts, and dresses. She changes clothes about 10 times a day. I wish I were exaggerating. Alas, my laundry pile and her dresser drawers tell otherwise.

Can anyone say diva?

For Thanksgiving, I hosted my mom and stepdad and the two sister missionaries from our church. It was a nice, quiet (ish -- you can't have a completely quiet meal with Winnie present) evening.

*For some reason the flickr link isn't working...Stand by for repairs.*

This is Winnie's nursery picture from church. That tongue, those pigtails -- I die.

We were very lucky to have Kevin come home on the first available flight. He landed, got a taxi, rented a car, and drove all night to get to our house at 7:00 in the morning. He woke me from a dead sleep and I was so disoriented that I just asked him what he was doing here. (I'm not coherent when I'm tired.)

The girls had a blast with Kevin while he was here. We celebrated by dressing up:

Daddy's boots and Sister's underwear as headgear: I'm thinking of calling Project Runway as we speak. And you can't miss Eden hamming it up in my boots.

We all went to the lights at the zoo and got to ride the train. I think the girls were a little underwhelmed, but at least they always enjoy a train ride.

 photo DSC_0279_zps7d84a896.jpg
Testing photobucket - i hate flickr

So that's all I'll share today. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

wow...whole lotta fun

Jess said...

Glad you got a chance to see the lights at the zoo after our failed attempt!! :-)