Friday, March 12, 2010

Belly Buttons and Crazy Moments

Time for a Cam/Kevin/Winky/Ruby update!

* I had my first crazy hormonal pregnancy moment (at least I think it was my first): I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep the other night and I got so frustrated not being able to find a comfortable position that I started bawling. Kevin thought I was joking and laughed. It was funny. Especially when I decided the most comfortable spot was on top of Ruby in her dog bed.

* My belly button is a half innie/outie. Ugh.

* It is weird to see my belly undulating randomly throughout the day. It's kind of fun to imagine which Winky parts are jabbing my ribs and bladder.

* Kevin and I started Lamaze class. There are 17 couples attending total. I like the teachers a lot, but since I've done so much research/reading on childbirth I know a lot of what they're teaching us. But it is fun to help Kevin practice relaxing massages on me. It's a tough role, but somebody has to do it.

* Ruby decided to jump on the kitchen counter and eat the rest of the Girl Scout cookies, a NutriGrain bar, my lunchbox, and a Tupperware container and the brownies and cookies in it. That was a fun surprise to come home to.

* I gave my notice at work. My last day is Mar. 24. I will probably be a little bored till Winky is born, but at least my back won't hurt as much any more. Plus, being around all the really pretty spring clothes that I can't try on because I'm pregnant is like being a diabetic in a candy store. It's so not fair!

* Kevin and I are househunting in Montgomery. We're hoping to move some time in June. Wish us luck on finding our perfect house!

1 comment:

kelsey said...

oh you make me laugh! sorry about your breakdown. i never had one of those--well i do when not pregnant! ;) can't wait to see you!