Monday, March 01, 2010

We know where we are PCSing...

...and it's the same place about which Kevin was unofficially told. So now I can officially pass on the information to you.

We will be moving to Montgomery, Alabama so that Kevin can be an ASBC instructor at Maxwell AFB. His report-no-later-than date is 15 July.

Our initial reaction was not positive (to put it mildly). However, we are learning to look at the bright side of things. We wanted to move some place north, and it is, indeed, 3.5 hours north of Panama City, so technically it's The city is bigger than Panama City, so that's good. There are actually highways (no more 45mph roads everywhere). Atlanta is only 2.5 hours away, so we have better access to a major airport. Moving will be simpler for us since we won't have to caravan across the country with a new baby. Our families are 5.5 hours away, so we will be able to see them more easily. Kelsey and Jennifer will only be a few hours away so I don't have to say a long-distance good-bye to all of my friends. The assignment is usually a 2-3 year assignment, so we (hopefully) won't be there as long as we've been in Panama City. Um, I start running out of positives after that.

Ultimately, I know in my heart that God has a plan and purpose for what he does, and I know we are meant to go there. Now it's just up to us to be positive and patient about finding out what the purpose is. I have generally been able to be positive so far and not dwell in disappointment, but any other positive words or encouragement you'd like to share is definitely still welcome.

So there you have it. Alabama, here...we...come...sigh.


Julia said...

Maxwell... nice. I lived there for six weeks for ASBC (before moving to Florida to be your neighbor!) and one more positive thing to add to your list is Mello Mushroom. Good pizza. If you're not living on base don't get a house close to the base, it's so ghetto! I remember a very nice Michaels craft store, a Talbots, and other good shopping. There's a big shopping center where the Talbots is. I think you'll like living in a bigger city. I used to run on base, great trails along the golf course! Really pretty water hazards and river. Being positive is the way to go!

kelsey said...

i'm excited you'll be closer and that we get to still be see-each-other friends instead of blog-stalking-and-occasional-emailing-friends. :)